avery is a talker. i tried counting her words on day. i stopped after 26 and started getting breakfast ready. she also has phrases. my favorite right now is "go mama." she says it when we get in the car. she says it when she wants to go outside. she says it when she is done with the bath, and when she wants me to stop brushing her teeth. it is a very
versatile phase. another one is "
dada go." she says it when she is looking for
whether they are playing or if he is at work. if he goes into the garage, she will say it. she likes to know where "
dada go."
there is one little word that i thought she would never say. a little word that means so much. i never imagined my sweet little
avery would have to use this word, but now it is as common as rah-rah (maverick). that little word
i wasn't sure at first, but i could hear her trying it out one morning in her crib before i got her up. she was saying "now-now-now-
nooow" to herself. later, when i was changing her diaper she looked in the mirror and said it again "now-now-
nooow, now-now." i had an idea it was coming, but i was not sure when.
later that night, at dinner, she had a well balanced meal in front of her. chicken, something green, cut up fruit, the basics. "
avery, do you want to try some chicken." she turned her head, closed her eyes and very matter-of-fact-
ly said
she has been using the word with confidence ever since.