i have decided to make an effort to find zen in our daily lives. i am not talking about deep meditation or long periods of quiet…that does not happen often around our house…just little moments of happiness, times of calm awareness, and a maybe a glimpse of inspiration in day to day activities.
i will write about it here on zen wednesday. i will share adventures, inspiration or ways that we were able to slow down. it is a conscious effort to take time to be present.
i think the simplest way for me to relax is to read. i am an avid reader and always try to find time to read. now, i can’t really say avery is reading (yet) but she does love books. we always read before bed, but more and more she is going to her books and instead of just pulling them off the shelf, she is actually flipping the pages and looking at pictures.
she has a favorite lately, peek-a-baby by karen katz. it is a lift-the flap book and you can play peek-a-boo with the pictures. this book has gotten a lot of use, and one of the flaps came off of a page. i was watching avery while she was looking through the book and lifting flaps. when she got to the page with the missing flap, she covered the picture of the little boy with her hand and then took her hand away and laughed. she did it a few more times before flipping to another page. i couldn’t believe she was playing peek-a-boo with the boy in the book. it brought me much happiness!!!
this is a different book...i didn't take pictures at the time, just watched.
have a zen wednesday! namaste
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