Saturday, September 27, 2008

something green

avery is feeling better. her fever is gone and she just has a little cough.

avery is not a big fan of the vegetable. we put veggies on her plate at dinner, but the closest she ever gets to touching them is to try and feed them to maverick. we pick them off her plate and eat them ourselves to show her how good they are. or we eat the veggies on our plate and say "mmmmm". she says "mmmm" too. then if we offer them to her, whether it be on a spoon or with our fingers, she will close her eyes and turn her head. so polite, so frusterating.

a few days ago, we were eating dinner. soft tacos. i was snacking on a bag of sugar snap peas while making dinner and brought the bag over to the table. avery said "peas" (please) and held out her hand. yes, they are peas...i handed one over, knowing i would be picking it up off the floor after maverick rejected it.

but no...

she actully took a bite

thought about it

and asked for more.

when i was putting away the dishes, i looked over and she had climbed back up to the table and was still snacking on the sugar snap peas.
our new favorite snack/vegetable/side dish/something green

1 comment:

Jenny said...


"Healthy snacks! Healthy snacks. I love to eat *YUM* healthy snacks. Carrots, bananas, celery, too! I love to eat healthy snacks, don't you?!"

Ahh...I feel better now... :)
Love, AJ